Thursday, August 18, 2016

Volcanic mountains

On Wednesday we went hiking in Grove of the Patriarchs in Mount Rainier National Park, and we saw a river and we went across a bridge over a water fall and it was very loud too.  There was a big Douglas fir tree which grew to be 200 feet tall and if you try to circle around it would take 27 other people.  

After the hiking we went to Mount Rainier to go up the mountain and we saw a marmot there. It took quite awhile to get to the top of the mountain and we had to take breaks because our legs hurt really bad but there was really clean water you could drink. When we got to the top of the mountain we had to go back down and it was so long. 

The next day we went to Mount Saint Helens and it is a famous volcano. There was a huge chunk of its side that blew off of it and it destroyed all the forest and the trees. It also killed 57 people and their homes too, and also the bridges. There was a movie about it too and rangers to talk about it too.

 The mountain erupted on May 18, 1980 at 8:32 am and the ash from the mountain traveled around the world in three weeks.  Nearby towns became night instead of day. Enough dirt and ash blew out of the mountain for each person on earth to have 15 buckets full.

It has been 36 years since the explosion and it is slowly coming back to life.

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